What is the Antioch Family of Churches (AFC)?

We are an eco system of relationships that are designed to support one another as we live out our individual assignments for the Kingdom

What we are not: 

We are not a denomination. As a matter of fact we all belong to a denomination that we are proud of and love. 

There is no one big strategy for AFC that we are all trying to live out-except for loving God, loving each other and living out the Great Commission. We strive to create a healthy culture where leaders feel free

How did the AFC come about?

We were a bunch of pastors who were trying our absolute best on our own, to accomplish what it is that God gave us to do. But we found that in this climate and culture, it is increasingly difficult to do things on our own.

We decided that what might work better is to come together relationally, so we can share ideas and support one another as each person lives out their God given assignment.

So we decided to function more as one church with a bunch of unique Kingdom Expressions. 

How does AFC work?

We all maintain our individual expressions of Church. New Hope Town functions just like New Hope Town did before, C4 functions just like they did and so on with all the expressions...except now we have the support. 

We are committed to learn and grow together. As we discover more ways to articulate who we are and what we’ve been learning, we definitely plan on sharing it.